Friday, October 12, 2012

I quite like this picture

Look at that head dress! It is just an explosion of awesome.
And the groom...ummm, looks like he got caught in a wind tunnel. Just sayin'

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To Mr. & Mrs. Schiffer from Mr. & Mrs. Randault

Such a lovely piece of Victorian history!
Mr. and Mrs. Schiffer must be the couple that stood up with the Couple on their special day.
The dress itself is rather plain, as if the bride would have rather focus on the flowers and other small touches, such as the veil and locket at her throat.
Its a well loved photograph, faded as if it was out on display for a long time...chipped a bit as well. But still a beautiful piece 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A World War II Double Wedding


A Sargent and an unknown ranking officer share a wedding day with their beautiful brides.
(PS: I am not happy with my scanner right now...I think I need a bigger one  =/)

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Bit of "Couple Time"

Last weekend me and the Mister went on our very first child free vacation to the Dells. We had a blast! We also antiqued. So that means new pictures for my collection. :-)

I hope you'll like them! I found some very old ones and as recent to 1944 WWII.

They'll be researched and dated and then will be shared with you all soon!

Jane :)